Claudia Florencia - Dokter Umum

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dr. Claudia Florencia merupakan dokter umum. Ia menyelesaikan studi kedokteran Universitas Pelita Harapan. Sekarang Ia berpraktik di Rumah Sakit Kasih Ibu Surakarta.

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Info Akademis

000 - Universitas Pelita Harapan,

Tempat Kerja

Rumah Sakit Kasih Ibu Surakarta

Claudia Florencia

(5 Ulasan)



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Rumah Sakit Kasih Ibu Surakarta

Jl. Brig. Jend. Slamet Riyadi, Purwosari, 57142, Surakarta


5 Komentar

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    0 suka
    hallo dokter mau nanya nii gimana ya cara mengghilangkan jerawat
    • Yulio Andrevo
      Yulio Andrevo
      0 suka
      sore dok , mau tanya ini saya batuk tenggorokan sakit dan bersin2 jga pilek yang gak sembuh sudah dri 2 hari lalu, obat apa ya dok yng cocok? saya hanya minum intunal F.
      • Hwang Myung
        Hwang Myung
        0 suka
        Calvary Greetings, I have a proposal for you - this however is not mandatory nor will i in any manner compel you to honor against your will. I am working with Maybank London Uk branch. In this bank existed a dormant account for the past years, which belong to an oil magnet who is now late. When i discovered that there had been neither deposits nor withdrawals from this account for some time, i decided to carry out a system investigation and discovered that none of the family member or relations of the owner is aware of this account. This is the details in a nutshell. As a Christian, i thought it wise if this money will be transferred to the church as a donation to help the orphans and less privileged. Now i need an account where i can transfer these funds for the above purpose because it is preferable to transfer the funds through the church than transferring it through an individual who might divert the money for his own private use. Thereafter, i will destroy all related documents and informations for that account. It is a careful network and for the past six months i have worked out everything to ensure a hitch-free operation. The amount at the moment, plus all the accumulated interest in this account stands at US $13,107,000 (Thirteen Million One Hundred And Seven Thousand US dollars). Now my questions are: - 1. Do you have a company account? 2. Can you handle this project? 3. Can i give you this trust? 4. What will be your commission? Consider this and get back to me as soon as possible. Finally, it is my humble prayer that the information as contained here in is accorded the necessary attention, urgency as well as the secrecy it deserves. I hope my message did not come as an embarrassment to you, but if it does please kindly accept my apologies. Thanks in anticipation. Respectfully yours, Hwang
    • desi novita
      desi novita
      0 suka
      slmat siang dok says mau tx skrng tengorokan sya skit nga bisa telan apa" trus badan sya juga skit dok sya mohon usulanx dok trima kasih
      • Hwang Myung
        Hwang Myung
        0 suka
        Calvary Greetings, I have a proposal for you - this however is not mandatory nor will i in any manner compel you to honor against your will. I am working with Maybank London Uk branch. In this bank existed a dormant account for the past years, which belong to an oil magnet who is now late. When i discovered that there had been neither deposits nor withdrawals from this account for some time, i decided to carry out a system investigation and discovered that none of the family member or relations of the owner is aware of this account. This is the details in a nutshell. As a Christian, i thought it wise if this money will be transferred to the church as a donation to help the orphans and less privileged. Now i need an account where i can transfer these funds for the above purpose because it is preferable to transfer the funds through the church than transferring it through an individual who might divert the money for his own private use. Thereafter, i will destroy all related documents and informations for that account. It is a careful network and for the past six months i have worked out everything to ensure a hitch-free operation. The amount at the moment, plus all the accumulated interest in this account stands at US $13,107,000 (Thirteen Million One Hundred And Seven Thousand US dollars). Now my questions are: - 1. Do you have a company account? 2. Can you handle this project? 3. Can i give you this trust? 4. What will be your commission? Consider this and get back to me as soon as possible. Finally, it is my humble prayer that the information as contained here in is accorded the necessary attention, urgency as well as the secrecy it deserves. I hope my message did not come as an embarrassment to you, but if it does please kindly accept my apologies. Thanks in anticipation. Respectfully yours, Hwang
      • Hwang Myung
        Hwang Myung
        0 suka
        Calvary Greetings, I have a proposal for you - this however is not mandatory nor will i in any manner compel you to honor against your will. I am working with Maybank London Uk branch. In this bank existed a dormant account for the past years, which belong to an oil magnet who is now late. When i discovered that there had been neither deposits nor withdrawals from this account for some time, i decided to carry out a system investigation and discovered that none of the family member or relations of the owner is aware of this account. This is the details in a nutshell. As a Christian, i thought it wise if this money will be transferred to the church as a donation to help the orphans and less privileged. Now i need an account where i can transfer these funds for the above purpose because it is preferable to transfer the funds through the church than transferring it through an individual who might divert the money for his own private use. Thereafter, i will destroy all related documents and informations for that account. It is a careful network and for the past six months i have worked out everything to ensure a hitch-free operation. The amount at the moment, plus all the accumulated interest in this account stands at US $13,107,000 (Thirteen Million One Hundred And Seven Thousand US dollars). Now my questions are: - 1. Do you have a company account? 2. Can you handle this project? 3. Can i give you this trust? 4. What will be your commission? Consider this and get back to me as soon as possible. Finally, it is my humble prayer that the information as contained here in is accorded the necessary attention, urgency as well as the secrecy it deserves. I hope my message did not come as an embarrassment to you, but if it does please kindly accept my apologies. Thanks in anticipation. Respectfully yours, Hwang
    • bian bie
      bian bie
      1 suka
      Terimakasih banyak dokter..
      • Hwang Myung
        Hwang Myung
        0 suka
        Calvary Greetings, I have a proposal for you - this however is not mandatory nor will i in any manner compel you to honor against your will. I am working with Maybank London Uk branch. In this bank existed a dormant account for the past years, which belong to an oil magnet who is now late. When i discovered that there had been neither deposits nor withdrawals from this account for some time, i decided to carry out a system investigation and discovered that none of the family member or relations of the owner is aware of this account. This is the details in a nutshell. As a Christian, i thought it wise if this money will be transferred to the church as a donation to help the orphans and less privileged. Now i need an account where i can transfer these funds for the above purpose because it is preferable to transfer the funds through the church than transferring it through an individual who might divert the money for his own private use. Thereafter, i will destroy all related documents and informations for that account. It is a careful network and for the past six months i have worked out everything to ensure a hitch-free operation. The amount at the moment, plus all the accumulated interest in this account stands at US $13,107,000 (Thirteen Million One Hundred And Seven Thousand US dollars). Now my questions are: - 1. Do you have a company account? 2. Can you handle this project? 3. Can i give you this trust? 4. What will be your commission? Consider this and get back to me as soon as possible. Finally, it is my humble prayer that the information as contained here in is accorded the necessary attention, urgency as well as the secrecy it deserves. I hope my message did not come as an embarrassment to you, but if it does please kindly accept my apologies. Thanks in anticipation. Respectfully yours, Hwang
    • bian bie
      bian bie
      1 suka
      selamat pagi dok.. dok saya sering sekali merasakan pegal dibagian leher belakang saya dok dan itu saya alami setiap 2 s/d 3 hari kedepan dok.. selalu seperti itu berulang".. Tolong masukan nya dok, saya harus bagaimana..


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